Engagement patterns

Cards (30)

  • What are participation rates?

    The number of people within a group who are involved with sport compared with those who are not.
  • What are the 5 social groups?
    Socio-Economic groups
  • How does the social group of age affect engagement patterns?
    Older people take longer to recover from injuries
    Some sports put you at a disadvantage because of age - rugby
    Bone density is higher when younger
    Younger people have wide varieties of sporting opportunities
    Participation in sport generally decreases with age.
  • How does the gender social group affect engagement patterns?
    Lack of role models
    Many gender-domineering sports
    Social media - fear of stereotypes and judgement
    Lack of opportunity
    51% of men more likely to compete in sport compared to 40% of women
    Lack of time and confidence
    Body image
    Male dominated culture of sport
  • How does the social group of ethnicity affect engagement patterns?
    Variability much more for women than men
    Access is limited due to beliefs - 'Housewives not sportswomen'
  • How does the social group of disability affect engagement patterns?
    Expensive to get special equipment
    Lack of support for disabled sports
    Physical ability
    Club access
  • How do Socio-Economic groups affect engagement patterns?
    Ronaldo's son would have more opportunities than someone who is less fortunate economically
    Memberships are costly
    Private schools = better facilities
  • What are the 7 factors that affect participation?
    Religion and Culture
  • How does Age affect participation?
    Some sports are more popular with different age groups
    Older people often like less strenuous activities as they are more physically limited
    Fitness competitions such as a marathon or weightlifting events have minimum age limits as younger people could potentially injure themselves having not fully developed yet
  • How does Gender affect participation?
    More men are involved in sport as participants and spectators than women
    Professional sportsmen recieve more money and TV coverage than sportswomen
    Some gender stereotypes around sports still exist and this can put people off participating due to fear of discrimination - 'tomboy' or 'sissy'
    Lack of opportunites in some sports for some sexes due to their popularity
  • How does Ethnicity affect participation?
    Some ethnic groups have high regard for some sports rather than others - this can influence their participation in the sport
    Some people from ethnic minority groups may feel they don't belong in certain sports due to percieved prejudice or lack of role models.
  • How does Religion and Culture affect participation?
    Each culture has its own set of popular sports - India's is cricket whilst USA's is NFL - someone's culture may influence the sport they partake in.
    Some cultures/religions can act as barriers - Muslim women have to keep their bodies covered up which may affect them doing sports like swimming.
    During Ramadan, food is not eaten during daylight hours so during the day they may have little energy to perform sports
  • How does Family affect participation?
    Children from sporty families are more likely to participate in sports - families can encourage children to do sports
    They may also pay for the activities and equipment and also transport them to the activity.
    Families can also make participation difficult by having unrealistic expectations and placing pressure on young people.
  • How does Education affect participation?
    All children take part in a variety of sports in school PE lessons
    These lessons, after-school clubs or teachers may encourage a child to take up a sport.
    The facilities the school has will also affect participation.
  • How does Time affect participation?
    To participate in sport, people need time.
    Less time due to work, school or family commitments would result in lower participation rates.
    Positive for a child who has plenty of free time to participate in sport.
  • What are 6 other factors that affect participation?
    Opportunity / Access
    Environment / Culture
    Media Coverage
    Role Models
  • How does disability affect participation?
    People with a disability can find it difficult to get to facilities, especially if they are far away.
    Less opportunity for disabled people to participate
    Some disabled people cannot find suitable activities to acommodate their condition.
  • How is Opportunity/Access affecting participation?
    Facilities need to be easily accessible
    Quality of facility influences intake too, it has to cater to people's needs
  • How does Discrimination affect participation?
    People may experience discrimination in sport due to gender, religion, ethnicity or sexuality.
    People can be put off sports that have a history of discrimination - racism in football
  • How does Environment/Culture affect participation?
    Participation in certain sports can depend on where you live.
    Some sports require certain environments - skiing or rowing
    Makes more sports regionalised so certain people get more opportunities in certain sports than others.
  • How does media coverage affect participation?
    Media can shape attitudes to sport participation
    Media coverage allows people to see sport and be encouraged to try it
    Sports with less coverage get less exposure so less people may try it.
    Women's sports have less media coverage so girls have less sporting role models
  • How do role models affect participation?
    Determination and hard work makes athletes good role models
    They encourage participation to younger people
    Positive behaviour in role models may trigger positive behaviour in younger people.
  • Organisations in the UK that try to improve participation in sport:
    Sport England
    National Governing Bodies (NGBs)
    The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
  • What strategies these organisations use to improve participation:
  • What is Sport England?
    An agency whose aim is to increase number of people doing sport and physical activity no matter what their background , age or ability is.
    They may create new facilities or accessible clubs
  • What are NGBs?
    National Governing Bodies are organisations such as the FA and British Gymnastics. They encourage participation in their sport.
    The FA offers coaching and refereeing courses.
  • What is the DCMS?
    A government department that has responsibility for the government's policies on sports
    Like the 'Get Active' strategy to increase participation rates
  • What is the strategy of Promotion?
    Promoting sport and physical activity and convincing people to take part. They could increase the media coverage of a sport - more televised WSL games.
  • What is the strategy of Provision?
    Providing good quality provision to access whether this be facilities, equipment or coaching. They could add more PE to the National Curriculum at schools.
  • What is the strategy of Access?
    Giving people the opportunity to take part by making it easier to access, this could be through increasing amount of clubs or facilities or just making them cheaper. They could also ensure adequate parking space.