Cards (16)

  • Who conducted research into leading questions?
    Loftus and Palmer
  • How many participants did Loftus and Palmer use?
  • What did Loftus and Palmer do?
    Got participants to watch clips of car accidents and asked them questions about it
  • How did Loftus and Palmer test leading questions when questioning participants?
    Changed the verb in the sentence "How fast were the cars going when they hit each other"
  • What were the five different verbs Loftus and Palmer used when questioning participants?
    Hit, contacted, bumped, collided, smashed
  • What did Loftus and Palmer ask the participants to calculate?
    Mean average speed
  • For which verb was the mean 40.5mph in Loftus and Palmer's study?
  • For which verb was the mean 31.8mph in Loftus and Palmer's study?
  • What was the mean calculated for "contacted" in Loftus and Palmer's study?
  • What was the mean calculated for "smashed" in Loftus and Palmer's study?
  • What can we conclude from Loftus and Palmer's research?
    Leading questions bias eyewitness recall
  • What does the response-bias explanation suggest about wording of a question?
    Has no effect on memory, just influences how one decides to answer
  • Loftus and Palmer conducted a second study, what explanation did this support?
    Substitution explanation
  • What does the substitution explanation suggest about the wording of a question?
    Changes participant's memory
  • How did Loftus and Palmer support the substitution explanation?
    Participants who were asked a question using the verb "smashed" more likely to report seeing broken glass despite being none
  • What are the two explanations for why leading questions affects EWT?
    Response-bias explanation & Substitution explanation