Subdecks (1)

Cards (19)

  • What is post-event discussion?
    Eyewitnesses discussing experiences and memories with each other
  • Who conducted research into post-event discussion?
    Gabbert et al.
  • How were participants arranged in Gabbert et al.'s study?
    In pairs
  • What did Gabbert et al. do?
    Got both participants to watch a video of a crime from different POVs and then they both discussed it afterwards
  • What did Gabbert et al. find evidence of?
    Memory conformity
  • What did Gabbert et al. find?
    71% of participants mistakenly recalled aspects they didn't see but picked up in discussion
  • What did Gabbert et al. compare findings to?
    A control group
  • What percentage of participants in a control group where there was no discussion mistakenly recalled aspects they didn't see in Gabbert et al.'s study?
  • What are the two explanations as for why post-event discussion affects EWT?
    Memory contamination and memory conformity
  • What is memory contamination?
    When eyewitnesses discuss a crime, their testimonies may become altered/distorted
  • Why do testimonies become altered/distorted when eyewitnesses discuss a crime?
    They combine information from others with their own memories
  • What is memory conformity according to Gabbert et al.?
    Going along with each other either to be liked (Normative social influence) or because they believe the others are right (Informational social influence)
  • What distinguishes memory conformity from memory contamination?
    The actual memory is unchanged
  • Who found the effects of post-event discussion can be reduced?
    Bodner et al.
  • How did Bodner et al. suggest the effects of post-event discussion can be reduced?
    Warning participants of their impact