Decline of industry in developed countries, as the industry moved overseas to newly emerging economies (NEEs) and low-income countries (LICs) to take advantage of a cheaper workforce, government incentives, tax breaks, etc.
Industrial growth in NEEs and 'pulled' people from rural regions to urban areas, with the hope of a better life and employment
Differences between LICs, NEEs and HICs can be shown as a pathway over time, with the pace through the stages slowing and flattening or declining as counter urbanisation gains speed
The term 'mega city' is used to describe cities with more than 10 million people - in 1970 there were only 4, by 2000 there were 15, and in 2018 that rose to 33 with Tokyo having close to 37.3 million people
Due to modern transport and communication, urban areas are sprawling into rural regions to create conurbations, further adding to the growth of urban areas
Because the industrial revolution 'pulled' the population into developing urban areas at that time, nowadays, many people in HICs are being 'pushed' away from overcrowded cities to rural settlements
In 2007, more people lived in an urban environment than a rural one, and by 2050 it is thought that more than two-thirds (7 billion) of the world population will live in urban areas