AO3: Caregiver-infant

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Filmed observations
    What? Filmed in a laboratory
    Who? Distractions can be controlled + inter-rater reliability can be established + babies unaware being observed - no demand characteristics
    Why? Good reliability and validity
  • Limitation: Difficulty observing babies
    What? Hard to interpret a baby's behaviour
    Who? Unsure whether a movement is random or triggered by a caregiver's act
    Why? We cannot be certain behaviours seen in caregiver-infant interactions have special meaning
  • Limitation: Developmental importance
    What? Observation doesn't tell us developmental importance
    Who? Feldman - synchrony and reciprocity only give names to patterns of behaviour - doesn't tell us it's purpose
    Why? Cannot be certain reciprocity and synchrony are important for a child's development
  • Counterpoint: Developmental importance
    What? Evidence to suggest early interactions are important
    Who? Isabella et al. - achievement of interactional synchrony predicted development of good quality attachment
    Why? Care-giver infant interaction important in development