Represents queen (aka Monarch), turns bills into laws (Royal Assent)
Political parties
Aim to form the government by winning the most seats in the House of Commons
Rehabilitates and reintegrates
Indian Act
Originally aimed to assimilate, created reserves (debate remains about whether it actually serves the best interests of first nations people)
Official Language Minorities
French outside Quebec, English in Quebec have right to publicly funded education
Francophone Schools
Aim to educate French students if there is a population of a sufficient size (not French immersion)
Labour Unions
Aim to promote interests of their workers (negotiate to address worker concerns i.e. wage, safety etc.)
A way for unionized workers to pressure employers to address their wants and demands
Points System test - economic immigrants only
Quebec - encourages French language speakers to settle in their province and forces them to educate their kids in French
Family Class - family members of existing Canadians, having existing family members in Canada helps promote integration of new immigrants
Provincial nomination program - provinces nominate certain types of immigrants for Canada to accept. Encourages immigrants to settle where their skills are needed. Gives provinces influence over the immigration policies of the Canadian gov.
Individuals drive the market for products based on their needs and wants
Market Economy
Private ownership driven by profit & decision making power of individuals
Mixed Economy
Mix of individual decisions and government intervention to achieve the public good
Social Programs
Programs aimed to balance out economic inequalities (healthcare, welfare, etc.)
Left wing parties
Tend to fund social programs more because they tax people more. More tax = more social programs
The Charter was added to the Constitution
Rights in the Charter
Individual Rights
Collective Rights
Individual Rights
Mobility Rights
Legal Rights
Democratic Rights
Fundamental Freedoms
Equality Rights
Individual Rights apply to everyone in Canada, with a few exceptions
The rights in the Charter have changed since Canada's early history
Women's suffrage - they can vote now
The Indian Act originally aimed to assimilate, created reserves
The YCJA rehabilitates and reintegrates
Labour Unions aim to promote the interests of their workers (negotiate to address worker concerns like wage, safety)
Collective bargaining must happen before hand
Market economy
Individuals hold a great amount of control over the economy
Mixed economy
Individuals and the government impact product availability
Individuals don't always make good choices, sometimes products are bad for us (tobacco, alcohol) or bad for the environment (burning coal)
Only some First Nations people have reservations, most live off reserves
The Métis have specific land settlements in Alberta assigned as a result of the Métis Settlements Act
Official Language Minority Education Rights
The right to education in French in provinces where it isn't the dominant language if there is a sufficient French population
The Charter protects the use of French in Quebec, all signs must be in French first, and Francophone children in Quebec MUST go to French schools
Auditor General
Opposition Parties
The Media
The Federal Accountability Act passed in December 2006 to address responsible and accountable government spending and protect government employees who "blow the whistle" on wrongdoing within government
Branches of Government
Executive Branch
Legislative Branch
Judicial Branch
Political parties aim to form the government by winning the most seats in the House of Commons
Our immigration laws have been racist in the past, favouring British immigrants and excluding Asian immigrants
The Singh Decision: Anyone in Canada has the right to life, liberty and security of the person