Unit #8 - Russian Revolution / Rise of Totalitarianism

Cards (17)

  • economic depression - a severe downturn in the economy
  • pogrom - deliberate persecution of an ethnic or religious group approved by government
  • totalitarianism - total control by a leader or group of leaders of a country (political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and by area)
  • socialism - an economic system in which the means of production are partially or totally controlled by the state.
  • fascism - extreme nationalism, militarism, and totalitarianism Rule
  • Five Year Plan - a focus to industrialize the Soviet Union during the rule of Stalin
  • collectivization - the consolidation (gathering) of farms into one government controlled authority during the 1920s-30s under Stalin in the Soviet Union.
  • command economy - the control of a country's economy by the government.
  • nationalize - to make it part of the government or controlled by the government
  • communism - a political/economic system in which there is aclassless society & equality (political, economic, religious (none) intellectually, and social), forced upon the public.
  • dictator/dictatorship - one person rule, usually military and secular, and totalitarian over a country/state
  • Russian Revolution - A major change in Russia in 1917 that led from a monarchy to a republic, and eventually to a communist dictatorship
  • Bolsheviks - the political group in Russia who were the communist revolutionary
  • Tsar/Czar - the ruler of the monarchy who was the head of state of Russia
  • Soviet Union / USSR - the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics was a communist state whose ideology was based uponthe theories of Karl Marx and whose government was totalitarian
  • NAZI Germany - the National Socialist Germany Workers partywho controlled Germany from 1933-1945 led by Adolf Hitler. It was based upon fascism called Nazism which caused the Holocaust and WWII
  • Guernica - city in Spain that was bombed by the NaziLuftwaffe (air force) to assist Franco in winning the Spanish Civil War