
Cards (51)

  • Learning occurs when experience (including practice) causes a relatively permanent change in an individual’s knowledge, behavior, or potential for behavior. 
  • Behavioral views - explanations of learning that focus on external events as the cause of changes in observable behaviors.
  • Behavior modification -  evokes images of brain washing, punishment, and even shock therapy.
  • Early Explanations of Learning: 
    Aristotle (384-322 BC), we remember things together:
    1.  When they are similar.
    2. When they contrast.
    3. When they are contiguous
  • Contiguity - association of two events because of repeated pairing
  • Classical Conditioning - Association of automatic responses with new stimuli.
    • Respondents responses (generally automatic or involuntary) elicited by specific stimuli.
  • Neutral stimulus - stimulus not connected to a response.
  • Unconditioned stimulus - stimulus that automatically produces an emotional or  physiological response.
  • Unconditioned response - naturally occurring emotional or physiological response.
  • Conditioned stimulus - stimulus that evokes an emotional or physiological response after conditioning.
  • Conditioned response - learned, emotional or physiological response.
  • Operants - voluntary (and generally goal-directed) behaviors emitted by a person or an animal.
  • Operant conditioning - learning in which voluntary behavior is strengthened or weakened by consequences or antecedents.
  • Environmental influences: antecedents and consequences.
  • Reinforcement - use of consequences to strengthen behavior.
  • Reinforcer - any event that follows a behavior and increases the chances that the behavior will occur again.
  • Punishment - process that weakens or suppresses behavior.
  • Two types: presentation punishment (Type 1) and removal punishment (Type 2).
  • Continuous - Reinforcement after every response.
    1. Fixed-interval - Reinforcement after a set period of time.
    • Variable-interval Reinforcement after varying lengths of time
    • Fixed-ratio Reinforcement after a set of number of responses.
    1. Variable-ratio - Reinforcement after varying number of responses.
  • Extinction – the disappearance of a learned response.
  • Stimulus control - capacity for the presence or absence of antecedents to cause behaviors.
    • Effective instruction delivery Instructions that are concise, clear, and specific, and thatcommunicate an expected result. Statements work better than questions. 
  • Cueing - the act of providing an antecedent stimulus just before a specific behavior is supposed to take place.
  • Applied Behavior Analysis - application of behavioral learning principles to understand and change behavior.
    • Differential reinforcement or ignoring inappropriate behaviors, while being sure to reinforce appropriate behaviors as soon as they occur.
    • Premack principle a preferred activity can be an effective reinforcer for a less preferred activity.
  • Shaping -also called successive approximations, reinforcing each small step of progress toward a desired goal or behavior. 
    • Task analysis system for breaking down a task hierarchically into basic skills and subskills.
  • Positive practice – practicing correct responses immediately after errors.
  • Contingency Contracts - A contract between the teacher and a student specifying what the student  must do to earn a particular reward or privilege.
  • Token Reinforcement System - in which tokens earned for academic work and positive classroom behavior can be exchanged for some desired reward.
    • Group Consequences Rewards or punishments given to a class as a whole for adhering to or violating rules of conduct. 
  • Good behavior game - arrangement where a class is divided into teams and each team receives demerit points for breaking agreed upon rules of good behavior.
    • Negative reinforcement place students in mildly unpleasant situations so they can “escape” when their behavior improves.
    • Reprimands Soft, calm, private reprimands are more effective than loud, public reprimands in decreasing disruptive behavior.