Unit #10 - The Holocaust

Cards (22)

  • genocide - The killing of all the people from a ethnic group, religious group, gender, or people from a specific nation
  • refugee - a person fleeing an area/region they consider their homeland
  • The Holocaust - a time period during Nazi Germany (1933-1945) in which the systematic violation of human rights of Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, mentally & physically handicap,Jehovah Witness, political opponents, etc. This would eventually lead to the genocide of 12 million people
  • Social Darwinism - Herbert Spencer's ideas that the theories of Charles Darwin and Natural Selection should apply to society and it is your genes that determine your superiority and fate. This will eventually culminate in the social construct of race
  • race - a social construct (made up by people) in which categories of people are defined by various characteristics (skin color, eye shape, hair type, face width, religion, etc.).
  • hegemony - leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others
  • eugenics - a program to identify races based upon science, later to be found false. Also called the Science of Race
  • The Final Solution - in 1942, top German officials (not Hitler), led a conference to find a Final Solution to the Jewish Question, basically, what do with the Jews being held and rounded up (concentrated) around German occupied and countries aligned with Germany. Conference held at Wannsee in Germany
  • Aktion T4 Program - was designed to use carbon-monoxide in mobile buses/vans to humanely kill all people who were mentally and physically handicap and in hospitals in order to save money for their care for the Third Reich. Named for the street address in which it was first developed on Tiergartenstrasse #4
  • Gestapo - The Nazi secret police that questioned and arrested anyone suspected of crimes andtreason against the German state. This included Jews and others that would be persecutedduring the Holocaust
  • Volksgemeinshaft - German for "the people's community" A ommunity in which the Nazis were building as superior to every other nation
  • lebensraum - German for "living space". This is what was needed in order to build a greater Germany to the east for the volksgemeinshaft.
  • Nuremberg Laws - laws created by the German Reichstag (parliament) to restrict the Jewish population from mixing with the pure German population
  • Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass was a night in 1938 in which the Nazis broke the storefront glass of Jewish businesses and burnt down synagogues (place of Jewish worship)
  • concentration camp - a place where the people persecuted in the Holocaust were rounded up and sent. Similar to a prison, but death was the likely outcome from disease or the gas chamber.
  • ghetto - a place in a city where Jews were rounded up and fenced in to not escape. Most were sent to concentration camps
  • "Destruction through Work" - this was the Nazi program used to work people to death. Fed only 1000 calories a day, prisoners would starve to death.
  • "Arbeit Macht Frei" - German for Work Sets/Makes you free was the motto for concentration work camps that would use the Destruction through Work program.
  • Zyklon "B" - the chemical gas used to exterminate the Jews and others in the concentration camps. Not all camps had gas chambers.
  • gas chamber - a room in a concentration camp specifically designed to exterminate Jews and others. They would cremate the bodies after death.
  • "Special Treatment" - this was the code word for the extermination process in the camps
  • "selection" - this was the process to chose who would be killed immediately or who would be sent to work. Mostly the old and children would be selected for death.