Controlling blood glucose

Cards (8)

  • Subtopic
    Controlling blood glucose
  • Blood glucose levels are controlled by a negative feedback mechanism involving the production of two hormonesinsulin and glucagon
  • Blood sugar level ranges between 80 -120 mg/100cm3 of blood
  • Effect of having high glucose concentration in the blood
    (recall osmosis)
  • Both hormones which control blood glucose concentration are made in the pancreas
  • Insulin
    Produced when blood glucose rises and stimulates:
    i. liver and muscle cells to convert excess glucose into glycogen to be stored
    ii. Increases respiration to oxidize the glucose into energy , carbon dioxide and water
    iii. Conversion excess glucose into fats and stored under the skin as adipose tissues
  • Glucagon
    Produced when blood glucose falls and stimulates liver and muscle cells to convert stored glycogen into glucose to be released into the blood
  • Negative feedback mechanism
    Involved in controlling blood glucose levels