Influence of early attachment on later relationshios

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  • The internal working model works as a template for future childhood/adult relationships
  • How will a baby whose first experience is of a loving relationship assume future relationships will be?
  • What will a baby seek out if their first experience is of a loving relationship?
    Functional relationships
  • How will a baby behave in a relationship if their first experience is of a loving relationship?
  • What attachment type is a baby whose first experience is loving likely to have?
  • What will a baby whose first experience of a relationship is bad struggle to do?
    Form relationships or behave appropriately within them
  • How will a baby whose first experience of a relationship is bad assume future relationships will be?
  • Attachment type is associated with the quality of peer relationships in childhood
  • What attachment type means babies tend to have the best quality childhood friendships?
  • What quality of childhood friendships will a securely attached baby likely have?
  • What attachment type means babies tend to have the worst quality childhood friendships?
  • What attachment type did Wilson and Smith find least likely to be involved in bullying?
  • What attachment type did Wilson and Smith find most likely to be victims of bullying?
  • What attachment type did Wilson and Smith find most likely to be bullies?
  • Who showed attachment type can predict bullying?
    Wilson and Smith
  • What two major adult experiences do internal working models affect?
    Romantic and parental relationships
  • Who showed attachment types can affect romantic relationships?
    Hazan and Shaver
  • What attachment type did Hazan and Shaver show was most likely to have good and longer-lasting relationships ?
  • What attachment type did Hazan and Shaver show was most likely to reveal jealousy and fear of intimacy?
  • What do Hazan and Shaver's findings suggest?
    Patterns of attachment behaviour are reflected in romantic relationships
  • Who showed attachment types can affect friendships AND romantic relationships?
  • What attachment type did McCarthy show had the best adult friendships and romantic relationships?
  • What attachment type did McCarthy show had problems maintaining friendships?
  • What attachment type did McCarthy show had problems with intimacy in romantic relationships?
  • People tend to base their parenting style on their internal working model so attachment tends to be passed on
  • Who showed that the majority of women had the same attachment type to their babies and their own mothers?
    Bailey et al.