ducks phase model of relationship breakdown

Cards (11)

  • duck argued the ending of a relationship is not a one off event but a series of phases which take a long time to go through
    each phase is marked by a threshold where one or both of the partners reaches a point that tips them into the next stage
  • 4 phases and thresholds
    1 = intrapsychic - i cant stand it anymore
    2 = dyadic - id be justified in withdrawing
    3 = social phase - i mean it
    4 = grave dressing - its now inevitable
  • intrapsychic phase
    one partner becomes increasingly dissatisfied but doesn't talk to the partner about it, however, they may socially withdraw from their partner, if dissatisfaction continues there is progression to the next stage
  • dyadic phase
    Partner talks to their partner about the dissatisfaction involving lack of equity, resentment and rethinking commitment. Relationship will then either dissolve or repair, if not repaired there is progression to the next stage  
  • social phase
    Unsuccessful negotiation attempts lead to a public breakup, friends and family may either support the couple to get back together or agree with the breakup, if it cannot be saved it will move onto the final stage  
  • grave dressing phase
    Ex-partners begin organising their new lives and will both publicise their perspectives of the breakdown, they will want to present an image of themselves that defends their image and reputation and gives them credit to move forward into another relationship, want to convince their new partner they are a stable option that can maintain their self-esteem  
  • strength
    used to help couples in counselling , model identifies stage of the breakdown couple is in and by resolving issues related to that stage the couple may be able to repair their relationship. real life application
  • criticism
    model is too rigid and not all relationship breakdowns are the same , duck said himself it was too simplistic and later added additions: progression through phases is not inevitable and its possible to return to an earlier phase. These changes account that a breakdown is first more complex than suggested. Resurrection phase: ex partners use past experience to help focus and guide their new relationship
  • criticism
    social phase may be different for teenagers, romantic relationships at this age are seen as more unstable, they are seen as training grounds for future long term commitments
     As a result, individuals receive sympathy but less encouragement to get back together and are often told things like there's plenty more fish in the sea. However, for older couples in long term relationships there are often low expectations about being able to find a replacement and the consequences of splitting will be more significant   
  • criticism
    culturally biased
    ethnocentric American sample of married couples, relationship sin individualistic societies are normally voluntary and temporary whereas in collectivist societies divorce rates are lower and the social network is more important in providing support 
    therefore unlikely that process of relationship breakdowns is the same across different cultures 
  • criticism
    methodological issues
    most research is retrospective as p’s usually give the breakdown process some time after the relationship has ended. this means what they can recall may not be accurate or reliable, early stages of a breakdown tend to be ignored or distorted all together, P’s self-report so there may be issues with social desirability bias, people may not want to admit their own failings 
    research may lack internal validity and not support ducks theory of relationship breakdown