Functionalist view on education

Cards (8)

  • Durkheim
    specialist skills -
    • education teaches skill to prepare students for work and create ideal workers for the complex division of labour
    • education does this by setting up the knowledge and skill that is required via the national curriculum Which helps to prepare students for future employment
  • specialist skills evaluation -
    • high levels of unemployment in the uk despite having qualifications-skills doesn’t always guarantee employment
    • feminist argue that teaching specialist skills has created hierarchies which has led girl down certain employment routes
  • Durkheim
    social solidarity-
    • believes that education promotes shared norms and values to create social solidarity -a feeling of belonging
    • it transmits society’s culture through the overt curriculum and through the hidden curriculum
    • school is society in a miniature- the child learns to interact and follow a fixed set of rules
  • social solidarity evaluation-
    • ball suggested that the British curriculum is guilty of little englndism which dismisses ethnic minorities
    • Marxists argue that the benefits do not serve the masses but the ruling classes as it is there literature that is been learnt and values been passed on
  • parsons
    secondary socialisation -
    • education acts as a bridge between family and wider society which is necessary as both institutions operate differently
    • family- particulartistic standards and ascribed status
    • school- universalistic standards ,achieved status argues that it creates a value consensus
    • assessments are used in schools to allow students to achieve their status
  • secondary socialisation evaluations -
    • post modernists -disagree with universalistic standards as the believe that society is fragmented and people choose their own values
  • Davis and Moore
    role allocation-
    • argues that education system shifts and sets people according to their abilities
    • high and low status knowledge
    • they say that inequality is needed as it drives competition and society needs this in order to have the most skilled workforce
  • role allocation evaluation-
    • class dive races in education suggests that not everyone gets the same chance , middle class get better jobs ,reproduce and so on