Milgram’s experiment was conducted to investigate the extent to which people would obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience.
Participants were given $4.50 for taking part in the experiment
All participants were between the ages of 20-50.
The participants were randomly assigned to either the Teacher or Learner role, with no prior knowledge about what they would be doing.
The volts ranged between 15-450.
Every time the individual gave the wrong answer, the learner would receive a shock.
100% of the participants went up to 300 volts.
65% of participants went up to 450 volts, meaning 35% of participants resisted to obedience somewhere between 300-450 Volts.
Baseline study at Yale University - 65%
Change of location at a run-down office - 47.5%
Teacher & learner in the same room - 40%
Teacher forces Learner's hand onto the electroshock plate - 30%
The experimenter gives orders over the phone - 20.5%
Experimenter played by "Member of the public" - 20%