Mumbai and London case studys

Cards (11)

  • Location, general, background and contextual of Mumbai:
    west coast of India
    developed as a trading centre
    developed rapidly with high rise, modern architecture
    population increase from 5.9 million in 1971 to 20.7 million is 2016
    migrants from rural areas moved to Mumbai seeking for jobs
  • Cultural diversity in Mumbai:
    • social segregation between muslim and non-muslim
    • so more mosques were built
    • In Dharavi there is a strong sense of community but there is a slum and non-slum divide due to the vast wealth gap
  • Economic and social well being in Mumbai:
    • 1/2 population live in poverty in slums - homes are cramped and poorly built, often without sanitation and water supply
    • 1/4 of all Indias millionaires live in Mumbai, who lived close to the CBD in high rise apartments
    • 60% of Mumbais population live in informal settlements
    • Inequalities in education. literacy rate in slums = 60%, compared to city overall = 90%
    • women have few opportunities and resort to prostitution. = increased HIV among poorer communities
    • Influx of african migrants experience racial discrimination and forced into slums
  • Natural distaster in Mumbai:
    • 35% of the population live on flooding spots due to the low-lying city
    • high temperatures with an average of 34 degrees, which means agriculture is struggling and poor health conditions
    • monsoon climate, highest amount of annual precipitation in India = 960mm in july
    • new developments built on flood plains
    • tectonic hazards at risk of earthquakes = tsunamis, Mumbai is low lying so slums are more vulnerable
  • sustainability in Mumbai:
    • 2004, redevelopment project to clear Dharavi slums and create new independent township - new apartments, a water and sewage system, hospitals and schools. Some residents object as its an established community with successful industries recycling and worried it will destroy their livelihood.
    • rainwater harvesting systems (collecting rainwater on roof tops)
    • 2011, world bank provided £1 billion to upgrade roads, build train tracks and fuel efficient buses. However, families relocated
    • clean up Mumbai campaign teaching and promoting
  • Environmental issues in Mumbai:
    • 7.5 million commuters use the local trains each day
    • nitric and nitrogen oxide pollution levels are dangerously high (3x the limit)
    • mumbai discharge 11,000 metric tons of rubbish each day
    • lacks open space(less than 0.03 acres of open space for 1,000 people)
    • 700,00 cars on heavily congested roads
  • General, location, background in London:
    • capital of the UK
    • global financial centre
    • 300 languages spoken
    • tolerant city
    • one of the most visited cities in the world due to the history, art, heritage and culture
    • 2012 olympic games
  • Cultural diversity in London:
    • referred tithe world under one roof because of its multicultural population
    • long history of immigration seeking employment
    • in 2015,3.8 million residents were of a black and minority ethnic (44%)
    • regarded as a welcoming city
  • Economic and social wellbeing in London:
    • economic powerhouse of the UK
    • home to a third of the countrys wealth
    • home to some of the countrys high poverty rates (2.1 million peopl)
    • poverty has decreased from 29% to 27% in 6 years
  • Physical environment in London:
    • smog events due to industries in the early 20th century
    • since then air quality has improved significantly
    • introduction of clean air act in 1956
    • low emission zones
    • 5.3% of all deaths are linked to air pollution
    • urban heat island effect, london is 10 degrees warmer than surrounding rural areas
    • threat of flooding
  • Sustainability in London:
    • olympic redevelopment
    • kings cross redevlopment
    • battersea power station
    • london living wage

    • workplace
    • congestion charge and low emission zones
    • green transport
    • cycling increased by 173% - boris bikes
    • green cover - hyde park
    • pedestrianized and electric vehicles