Types of coastline

Cards (8)

  • What are hard rock coastlines made up of?
    resistant rocks such as igneous, granite and resistant sedimentary rocks
  • What structures do hard rock coastlines form?
    High, vertical cliffs - despite their resistance, joints faults and cracks in cliff faces are more easily eroded by hydraulic action, this forms costal features such as caves arches and stacks
  • What are soft rock coastlines made up of?
    less resistant rocks such as clays and shales which are more easily eroded
  • What kind of cliffs do soft rock coastlines form?
    these are not as compacted as older rocks meaning they are less resistant to erosion and form less steep cliffs e.g holderness coast
  • What are the differences between the features of hard and soft rock coastlines?
    Hard rock coastlines:
    Steep cliffs
    Bare cliff face with little vegitation
    loose rocks at base
    Soft rock coastlines:
    Cliffs are less steep
    Evidence of recent mass movement
    Rapid rates of erosion
  • What is a discordant coastline?

    A coastline with different layers of rock
  • What is a concordant coastline?
    Coastlines of the same rock type
  • On what kind of coastline will you get caves, arches, cliffs and stacks?
    On discordant coastlines