Media Representation of Age, Social Class and Ethnicity

Cards (34)

  • Sociologists are interested in the way in which various age groups are represented in the media, in particular children, youths and the elderly
  • Stereotype
    Certain generalisations or assumptions made about groups
  • Stereotypes of childhood
    • Cute
    • Consumers
    • Little angels
    • Little devils
    • Victims
    • Prodigies
    • "Accessories"
  • Representations of childhood are generally quite positive, even if they are stereotypical
  • Babies and toddlers, in particular, are generally represented as being very cute and appealing (particularly in television advertisements)
  • Children are often represented as "cheeky monkeys" or worse, which is still often a reasonably positive representation: these characters are funny and appealing, yet naughty
  • In the news and also in drama series, children are often victims of crime, including murders and abductions
  • Children in the media are also often brilliant at something, such as maths or a musical instrument
  • Celebrity reporting often includes children, not as interesting individuals in their own right, but as "accessories" or "extras" alongside their famous parents or guardians
  • Representations of youth tend to be much more negative than that of children
  • How the media socially-constructs "youth"

    Since at least the 1950s, a youth media industry has sought to create youth culture through its media products, and this industry has grown and grown and expanded into other areas<|>Popular music is often associated with a particular subculture, so becoming a fan of the music tends to go alongside fashion choices, and certain norms, values and attitudes<|>Social media platforms today are hugely influential on youth identity and lifestyle
  • How the media attacks "youth"
    Moral panics - the media presents youths engaging in "bad behaviour" of various sorts (underage drinking, drug taking, petty crime, etc.)<|>Young people's own perspectives or views on a news item are only sought in 1% of cases
  • Stereotypes of old age
    • Grumpy
    • A burden
    • Infantile
    • "Demented" or confused
    • Second childhood
  • Often elderly people are represented as a burden. The ageing population is often discussed in news and current affairs programme as a problem
  • Elderly people are often presented as being mentally challenged in various ways, either being a little muddled or confused right through to suffering from dementia
  • An alternative to showing elderly people as confused or a burden, is that older adults are often represented as enjoying a second childhood
  • Media companies and marketing agencies are beginning to see older adults as a section of society with more money and leisure time than most, and therefore it makes sense to present them positively and in such a way that attracts them
  • Media representations of the very rich
    The media takes significant interest in the very rich, often treating them as celebrities<|>The very rich represent a very small proportion of the population and yet media coverage of luxury cars and luxury holidays, that are only of practical interest to this small minority, is considerable
  • Media representations of the middle class
    The middle class is probably even more over-represented than the very rich<|>The characters in sitcoms and dramas are overwhelmingly middle class<|>The middle class are also often represented as being anxious about contemporary society and prone to moral panic
  • Media representations of the working class
    Working-class individuals are often represented and stereotyped as a problem in the media<|>Working-class people are also represented as being unintelligent or shallow<|>There is also the "salt of the earth" representation: working-class people as simple but decent "normal" people
  • Media representations of poverty
    Poverty is often dealt with in the media in a very impersonal way, focusing on statistics rather than individual stories of living with poverty<|>At other times, poverty is used as entertainment
  • The main sociological concern about media representations of ethnicity is that they contribute to and reinforce racist stereotypes about minority-ethnic groups
  • Stereotypical negative news stories about black people
    • Black people as criminals
    • Moral panics about black people
    • Black people as threat
  • Van Dijk found that black people were often represented as a threat to the majority population, and this representation is also clearly applied to other minority-ethnic groups and is increasingly applied to asylum seekers and to Muslims
  • Tabloid newspapers tended to portray black people as criminals, involved in gangs and drugs
  • A number of moral panics are generated by media representations of black people
  • There is a representation of black people as a threat to the majority population
  • There is a representation of black people as dependent
  • Black people are presented as abnormal, with minority-ethnic groups presented as abnormal in various ways
  • Media reports imply that black lives matter less than white ones
  • Black people are largely absent from the media, other than in negative ways
  • The media industry is ethnocentric, with many managers, editors and journalists being white and middle-class
  • The media deliberately demonises minority groups in order to create scapegoats and establish false class consciousness
  • The media reinforces prejudice in society, but it also reflects it