History of medical imaging

Cards (26)

  • roentgen's wife (left hand)
    1st medical image
  • December 1895
    when was the 1st medical image made
  • February 1896; Department of physics institute of medical society, wurzburg university

    when was the first medical image published and what institute
  • clarence dally (age 39, skin cancer)

    first casualty as a result of x-ray exposure (indicate age and cause of death)
  • planar radiograph

    acquired 2D images from X-ray
  • AP/PA/Lateral

    first views/projections that were used publicly during wide use of x-ray examinations
  • static (conventional radiography, CT scan, Mammography)

    a type of planar radiograph where the images are taken in a single point (give examples)
  • dynamic (DSA, MRI, Ultrasound, Fluoroscopy, Nuclear Medicine)
    a type of planar radiograph where a series of images are taken in a period of time (give examples)
  • Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield
    father of CT scan
  • EMI Mark 1
    1st CT scanner
  • 1971-1972
    first development of CT scanner
  • woman patient with a brain lesion
    what was the first CT-exam
  • Antoine henri becquerel (1896)

    who discovered radioactivity (year?)
  • thyroid gland
    1st nuclear image
  • george de hevesy
    father of nuclear medicine
  • tracer principle
    george de hevesy also developed what principle?
  • first trial for the tracer principle happened in plants then to animals then to humans
  • hal anger
    invented the anger scintillation camera
  • anger scintillation camera
    nuclear medicine imaging device used to detect radiation to the part of interest
  • Lord john rayleigh
    studied the interaction of acoustic waves in media
  • Sound navigation and ranging
    SONAR stands for
  • Sonar
    used as a basis for developing ultrasounf or transducer
  • SONAR was used in WWII in detecting objects in water
  • Raymond Damadian
    Father of MRI
  • indomitable
    what did raymond damadian call the first MRI scanner
  • the first MRI scanner was first used to Larry Minkoff where the thoracic spine with lungs are seen