Cards (24)

  • Accounting Adjustment
    An accounting journal entry that is posted in the books of accounts to update the balances of accounts
  • Accounting Reclassification
    An accounting journal entry that needs to be posted in the books of accounts in order to correct a misclassified account/s
  • Bribery
    The giving or offering of any item of value to influence the actions of a government official or personnel
  • Business Ethics
    The application of ethical principles and standards in a business environment. It is broad discipline that attempts to address improper attitudes and actions that could be detrimental to the company
  • Confidential Information
    Discreet information about the company that must not be divulged to unauthorized persons
  • Conflict of Interest
    Occurs when one can take advantage of his/her position to obtain an unjust benefit to the detriment of the employing org
  • Corporate social responsibility
    Is concerned with the responsibilities and obligations of businesses to people, communities, and the society around them
  • Cybercrime
    Crime committed by hackers and cybercriminals through the use of computers to obtain illegal or unjust benefits
  • Credit Rating
    The assessment of a borrower's ability to pay financial obligations
  • Current ratio

    Liquidity ratio that measures the ability to pay the company's current liabilities
  • Dividends
    Amounts received by shareholders on their share capital by virtue of the company's generated profit
  • Ethics
    Pertains to values, norms, beliefs that determine how people behave in everyday life; Greek: "ethos"
  • Illegal acts
    Actions of the corporation, as a legal entity, as well as actions of corporate officers and employees that are contrary to prevailing laws and govt regulations
  • Money laundering
    The illegal act of concealing and converting money obtained from illegal source in order to show that it was generated legally
  • Patent Infringement
    The illegal act of making and/or selling a product that is patented by another company
  • Regulator
    A govt. agency that supervises and monitors the actions, compliance, and performance of a company
  • Regulators
    • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    • Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
    • Insurance Commission (IC)
  • Stock Price
    The quoted price of a share of stock of a company on a stock market such as the Philippine Stock Exchange
  • Tax Evasion
    The act of note declaring revenue or income, or understanding said revenue or income in order to illegally reduce taxes
  • Trade Secret
    A confidential information about a secret process or procedure of a company
  • Unauthorized commissions

    Amounts paid to corporate officers or employees that are not authorized by the company
  • Violation of labor and social security laws
    • Paying employee wages below the minimum wage rate
    • Failure to pay for employees social security employees
  • Insider Trading
    Corporate officers buy and sell company shares by taking advantage of information that is not disclosed yet to the public
  • Violation of environmental laws
    Not implementing anti-pollution devices