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  • Nutrition
    Study of food and how the body makes use of it.
  • The word " nutrition" is derived from

    "Nutricus" meaning to SUCKLE(feed)
  • Nutrients
    are chemical substances found in food that provides heat and energy, to build and repair body tissues and to regulate body processes.
  • Food
    anything which when taken and digested nourishes the body and is a vital need without which man cannot live
  • Health
    is the state of being free from illness or injury.
  • WHO definition of HEALTH:
    a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
  • Nutritional status

    is the condition of the body resulting from the utilization of essential nutrients
  • History of Nutrition
    400 B.C. — Hippocrates
    -"Let thy food be thy medicine and
    thy medicine be thy food".
  • ➢400 B.C. —
    Foods were often used as cosmetics or as medicines in the treatment of wounds.
  • ➢1500's - Leonardo da Vinci
    compared the process of
    metabolism in the body to the
    burning of a candle.
  • 1747 - Dr. James Lind
    a physician in the British Navy, performed the first scientific experiment in nutrition.
    ➢became known as "Limeys"
  • 1770 — Antoine Lavoisier,

    the "Father of Nutrition and Chemistry" discovered the actual process by which food is metabolized.
  • Early 1800's
    that foods are composed
    primarily of four elements: carbon,
    nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen
  • 1840 — Justus Liebig

    of Germany, was the first
    to point out the chemical makeup
    of carbohydrates, fats and proteins
  • 1897 - Christiaan Eijkman,

    a Dutchman observed that some of the natives in Java developed a disease called
    Beriberi, which caused heart
    problems and paralysis.
  • 1912 - Elmer V. McCollum,

    discovered the first fat soluble
    vitamin, Vitamin A.
  • A,D,E,K
    fat soluble vitamins
  • 1912 - Dr. Casmir Funk

    first to coin the term "vitamins" as vital
    factors in the diet.
  • ➢1925-Edwin B. Hart
    that trace amounts of copper are
    essential for iron absorption
  • 1930 - William Rose
    discovered the essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein.
  • 1940
    The water soluble
    B and C vitamins were identified
  • ➢Francisco O. Santos
    Father of Nutrition in the Philippines
  • National Nutrition Month
    July- was based on Presidential Decree 491, or the Nutrition Act of the Philippines, signed on June 25, 1974.
    -This act was created to create greater awareness on the importance of nutrition among Filipinos.
  • Purpose of Nutrition:
    ●To maintain life by allowing one to grow and be in a state of optimum health
    ●Aids in resistance to illnesses
    ●Provides energy
  • Classification of nutrients according to its:

    Nutrients That Build and Maintain Body Cells
  • ( Body building foods)
    •Mineral elements
  • ●Nutrients That Regulate Body Functions
    •Mineral Elements
    •Carbohydrates, including fiber
  • Nutrients That Provide Energy(Energy giving foods)
    •Carbohydrates (starches and sugars)
  • 2. Chemical properties
    either organic or inorganic.
  • Organic substances

    are those carbon-containing compounds.
  • 3. Essentiality
    refers to significant contribution to the body's physiological functioning.
  • A. Non essential-
    which is not vital to the body
  • B. Essential-
    vital to the body as the body cannot
    synthesize like oxygen and water
  • 4. Concentration
    nutrients may be termed macronutrients or micronutrients. Water, protein, fat and carbohydrates are macronutrients. Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients
  • Diseases and Conditions Influenced by Nutrition

    Salt intake affects blood pressure.
  • Heart disease/high cholesterol
    : Fatty foods and partial hydrogenated oils can create plaque in arteries.
  • •Osteoporosis:

    Low calcium, low vitamin D and excess fat can result in fragile bones.
  • Certain cancers:
    A poor diet and obesity are associated with increased risk of breast, colon, endometrial, esophageal, and kidney cancers.