the main teachings

Cards (8)

  • Human Dignity
    Every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and has an inherent dignity that must be respected and protected. Human life is sacred from conception to natural death.
  • Common Good
    Society must promote the common good, ensuring the wellbeing and dignity of all people, especially the poor and vulnerable. The rights and responsibilities of all must be protected.
  • Preferential Option for the Poor
    The needs of the poor and vulnerable must be given priority in society. Their rights and dignity must be defended.
  • Solidarity
    We are all part of one human family, whatever our differences. We have a responsibility to stand in unity with all people, especially the disadvantaged.
  • Subsidiarity
    Decisions should be made at the lowest possible level, as close to those affected as possible. People have the right to participate in decisions that affect them.
  • Dignity of Work
    Work has dignity and workers have basic rights that must be respected, including fair wages, decent working conditions, and the right to organize.
  • Stewardship of Creation
    We have a duty to care for God's creation and protect the environment on which all life depends.
  • These principles are rooted in Scripture, Church tradition, and the lived experience of Catholics, providing a moral framework for building a just society.