muscles involved with vertical pull up - biceps, latissimus dorsi, deltoid posterior
the weight of the person is the determining factor of how much more weight is pulled during pull up, rather than lat pulldown.
dumbbell incline bicep curl is more effective than other curls - as it restricts movement of back, making the exercise redundant
core and base stability is imperative to isolation exercises
how an exercise is performed determines what muscles are activated to perform the movement.
main goals of lower boy training: targets legs in order for strength, muscular endurance and muscle building
more efficient lower body exercise + barbell back squat, as it targets major muscle groups - quads, hamstrings, glutes
romanian deadlift muscles- hamstrings and glutes
romanian deadlift:
set bar high in the rack below lock out
set hips before pulling the bar to avoid hyperextension
unlock knees
lead with hips backwards
muscles involved with bulgarian split squat - quads, hamstrings, glutes
to minimise the muscle imbalance of hamstring, focus on the function/action and the whole body. use machines to avoid muscle bias and compensation.
concentric training - as the muscle gains tension, it shortens to generate force to move an object
eccentric training - as the muscle gains tension, the muscle lengthens to produce force
advantages to isotonic training
greater cardiovascular health
improved joint stability and flexibility
higher bone density
improved body composition
disadvantages to isotonic training
strength building can be ineffective
higher risks to injury during weighted training
weight is fixed to not match the variation of the expression of force by the muscle
costs of equipment
isometric training is when the muscle gains tension but there is no movement in the muscle. it operated at a constant speed against a weight or resistance, including gravity. the muscle does not change length and the joint does not move
examples of isometric exercise: plant, wall sit, glute bridge, leg extension, pull up and hold, wall press, scapular retraction
advantages to isometric training
gains muscular endurance
maintain muscular strength
tones body by targeting major muscles groups
improve muscular strength in one specific position
beneficial to arthritic patients as strength gains without rigorous movement
disadvantages to isometric training
limits strength gain
angle specific and can be easily done improperly
restrict blood flow and can cause sharp rises in blood pressure
won't improve speed or athletic performance
may aggravate joints
isokinetic training exercises are performed at a constant speed using specialised equipment that adjusts the resistance to match the user's force applies throughout the entire range of motion. ensures the maximum engagement, good for rehabilitation from injury