social 20

Cards (140)

  • Resource Nationalism
    The assertion of control over natural resources by a nation-state, often involving policies to limit foreign ownership or influence
  • Levels of Government
    • Federal
    • Provincial
    • Municipal
  • Federal Government
    Responsible for national matters such as defense, foreign affairs, and currency
  • Provincial Government
    Deals with issues specific to the province, like education and healthcare
  • Municipal Government
    Focuses on local governance, including services like sanitation and policing. Special interest often lies with the federal government due to its overarching authority
  • Foreign Policy
    Plan of action that guides governments on its relations with foreign nations
  • Domestic Policy
    Plan of actions that guides governments on internal decisions in their own nation
  • Types of National Interest
    • Economic Prosperity
    • Safety and Security
    • Beliefs and Values
  • Sustainability
    The ability to maintain the amount or level of something
  • Ottoman Empire
    Nation made up of Arabs and Turks, which was led by the Turks
  • Turks National Interest WW1
    • Territorial Integrity (Keeping their Land)
    • German Financial Support
    • Industrial Development
  • Arab National Interest WW1
    • Self Determination
    • Independence from the Turks
  • Arab Self-Determination
    The right of Arab peoples to govern themselves, often tied to movements for independence from colonial powers
  • Arab Revolt

    A rebellion during World War I against the Ottoman Empire, supported by Britain and France, aiming to establish Arab independence and self-determination
  • Prince Emir Faisal
    A prominent leader during the Arab Revolt that advocated for Arab independence and led the Arab Revolt
  • Triple Alliance
    Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in WW1
  • Triple Entente
    Alliance between Britain, France, and Russia in WW1
  • Propaganda
    Information, often biased or misleading, spread to promote a particular political cause or point of view
  • Domino Effect of WW1

    The idea that the consequences and events of World War 1 led to further conflicts
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The event in 1914 that triggered the outbreak of World War I, when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist
  • Treaty of Versailles
    The peace treaty that ended World War I, which imposed heavy penalties on Germany and laid the groundwork for future conflicts
  • Sovereignty
    The authority of a state to govern itself and make decisions within its own borders without external interference
  • Total War
    Warfare that mobilizes all resources, including civilians, towards the war effort, often resulting in widespread destruction and societal upheaval
  • Civilian War Involvement
    • War Bonds
    • Rationing
    • Women's Role
    • Volunteerism
    • Civil Defense
    • Munition Productions
    • Victory Gardens
  • War Bonds
    Investments to financially support the war
  • War Rationing
    Essential items were equally distributed to civilians to support the military
  • Women's Roles
    As men were drafted into war, Women took on jobs & responsibilities held by men
  • Volunteerism
    People were encouraged to volunteer to help aid & support front-line soldiers
  • Civil Defense
    Communities participated in practice defense drills to protect themselves from enemies' attacks
  • Munition Productions
    Citizens worked in factories to produce necessary war items and materials for the military's demands
  • Victory Gardens
    People were encouraged to grow their own food to reduce the reliance strain on food, as majority of the higher quality items were given to soldiers fighting on the front lines
  • MAIN Causes of WW1
    • Militarism
    • Alliances
    • Imperialism
    • Nationalism
  • Militarism
    Policy of enlarging or building up a huge army
  • Alliances
    Agreements with other countries to help and defend one another
  • Imperialism
    Economic/Political/Militaristic domination of a country over another
  • Nationalism (WW1)
    Many nations wanted self-determination & independence from imperial rule
  • National Interests in Treaty of Versailles
    • Britain: War reparations from Germany
    • France: Revenge on Germany
    • USA: A collective group of nations with a goal of collective security
  • Britain & France's National Interest at the End of WW1
    • Oil in the Middle East as newest ships used oil and there were tons there
    • Ruling over new Middle Eastern Territories
  • Imperialism around the World
    The expansionist policies of European powers, seeking to control territories and resources in Africa, Asia, and the Americas
  • Dictator
    Individual with absolute power and control over a country with limited opposition