Monopolies: When you have exclusive rights to sell a product
Custom Duties: Tax on imported goods
Vagabonds: Homelessness
Usury: High rate of increase
Debasement of Coinage: Adding non-precious metals (like lead to Coinage - this increased the spending power of the monarch, led to inflation
Her immediate problems: Mary’s Debt, Inflation, Cost of Running the Household, Previous method of patronage (rewarding with money and land), Rising Population and Inconsistent grain prices (although generally increasing)
Strengths: Revised book of rates, good financial advisors (William Paulet, Thomas Gresham), personally reluctant to needless spend, Mary had introduced financial reforms (increased efficiency), she was single so that decreased her spending and she avoided war as much as possible
Thomas Gresham merchant and banker, convinces Cecil that should be borrowing from her nation, her own people; economic settlement 1559-1563: Regulates land use, Navigation acts, Wage reforms, and Compulsory fish Wednesday