Why was the Spanish Colonial Government considered weak?
Officials were appointed and not elected
Frequent conflict between officials
The church is more powerful than the state
He showed sympathy to the natives, hence he was replaced
Governor General Ramon Blanco
Because of the friars' campaign against Blanco, he was replaced with who?
Camilo Garcia de Polavieja
Monarchy gave the right to claim tribute and labor from the acquired territory to individuals or groups
Encomienda System
Brought suffering especially to the natives whose economic yield was only enough to sustain their daily needs
Tribute System
Also known as polo y servicio
Forced labor
All males aged 16-60 who had the capacity for labor were obliged to render a 40-day service to the government for their projects such as infrastructure
polo y servicio or forced labor
They can be spared from forced labor if they pay?
falla worth 1/2 reals
Responsible for tax collection
It was a document issued by the Spanish Colonial Government to allow traders to enter the Galleon Trade
Indulto para commerciar
They could be both administrator and judge
alcalde mayor or provincial mayor
this branch of the colonial government who serves as administrator
civil government
colonial official whose task was judicial
alcalde mayor
who was framed up by her brother's wife and two local officials?
Dona Teodora
Their task is to evaluate the governor general by the end of his term
Where they send the Visitador-General in the colonies unannounced
They send the Intendant General to oversee all other lower offices
Based on the mandate of the King, they were mandated to educate the indigenous in the name of Christianity
Catholic Church
In 1565, they built the first school in Cebu
Augustinian Friars
The friars first established the first school in?
Cebu in 1565
They were the first teachers of the colonial period
Instrument to control the natives
He said that the Philippines was even fortunate because some colonies from Europe and America were not given the same education
Henry Frederick Fox
In 1863, through the ___ the public school system was founded
Education Reform Decree
Which ages were given free education and obliged to attend school?
7 to 13 years old
With the Education Reform Decree, which school was established?
Escuela Normal de Maestros or School for Teachers
The colonial schools, besides religion, taught what?
mathematics, physics, history
Education during the Colonial Government was only until?
Men were given priority in?
Tertiary Education
Women were preferred to be in?
Vocational Courses
They usually experience discrimination from their classmates
Most colonial-era schools were under the hands of?
the Church
They challenged to make the Philippine Education System secular
Governor General Carlos Maria de la Torre, and Overseas Minister Segismundo Moret
They challenged to make the Philippine Education System secular by which decree?
Moret Decree
The Moret Decree was hindered by?
Dominican Procurator of Madrid, Fray Francisco Rivas
Who wanted to address the abuses and deficiencies of the Spanish Colonial Government?