Influence of early attachment on future relationships

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  • According to Bowlby, the quality of the child's first attachment with the primary attachment figure forms a mental representation for future relationships
  • An infant whose first experience is of a loving relationship with a reliable attachment figure will assume this is how relationships are meant to be
  • Securely attached infants will seek out functional relationships in the future and will behave functionally within them
  • An infant with bad experiences of their first attachment will bring these bad experiences to later relationships
  • Poorly attached infants may struggle to form future relationships
  • Poorly attached infants may not behave appropriately in future relationships
  • Attachment type is associated with the quality of peer relationships in childhood
  • Securely attached infants tend to form better quality childhood friendships, whereas insecurely attached infants have friendship difficulties (Kerns, 1994)
  • Attachment type can predict bullying behaviour
  • Myron-Wilson and Smith (1998) assessed attachment type and bullying involvement using standard questionnaires in 196 children aged 7-11 in London
  • Myron-Wilson and Smith (1998) found that securely attached children are unlikely to be involved in bullying. Insecure-avoidant children were most likely to become victims and insecure-resistant children were most likely to be bullies
  • McCarthy (1999) studied 40 adult women who had been assessed when they were infants to establish their early attachment type
  • McCarthy found those who were securely attached as infants had the best adult friendships and romantic relationships
  • Adults classed as insecure-resistant as infants had problems maintaining friendships and those who were insecure-avoidant struggled with intimacy in romantic relationships
  • Hazen and Shaver (1987) aimed to see the association between attachment and adult relationships
  • Hazen and Shaver's procedure
    1. Assessed current and most important relationships
    2. Assessed general love experiences (no. of partners)
    3. Assessed attachment type
  • Hazen and Shaver found that those who reported being securely attached had good, long-lasting romantic relationships and those who were insecurely attached tended to show feelings of jealousy, fear of intimacy, tended to divorce and believe love was rare
  • Hazen and Shaver's study suggests adult romantic relationships depend on childhood attachment type
  • Internal working model affects future parenting styles
  • Through the IWM, attachment types are passed on from one generation to the next
  • Bailey et al (2007) considered the attachments of 99 mothers to their babies and to their own mothers
  • Bailey et al found the majority of women had the same attachment with their babies and their own mothers
    • Research support- Fearon and Roisman (2017) concluded that early attachment consistently predicts later attachment
    • Confounding variables- Parenting style may influence both attachment quality and later development
    • Validity issues with retrospective data- most studies are not longitudinal, memory may be distorted
    • Influence of early attachment is deterministic- Clarke and Clarke (1998) described the influence of infant attachment as deterministic