RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT - the present government policy on self reliance defense program particularly on the weapons system is an important part of logistics system
REQUIREMENT DETERMINATION - refers to the determination of what is needed and in what quantity, Categorized Into: MAJOR ITEMS, SECONDARY ITEMS, ACCORDING TO COST, TEN CLASSES OF SUPPLY
PLANNING/ PROGRAMMING/ BUDGETING - Planning serves the purpose of identifying objective, Programming refers to the orderly process of scheduling activities, Budgeting is the translation of the program into financial terms
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT - the purpose is to improve costumer service by compensating for time needed to produce, handle and ship supplies. If goods are on hand, a costumer may draw them as needed
PROCUREMENT - refers to acquisition of what is needed and in what quantity at the right price and quality from the right source
STORAGE - holding and keeping of supplies in readiness for future use and ready for issue condition
DISTRIBUTION - to move supplies from the source to the user which should be accomplished in a nearly straight line as possible
MAINTENANCE - task of preserving the usefulness of major end items through application of preventive maintenance
DISPOSAL - final steps in the chain of logistics activities, this occur when an items or supplies become unserviceable and can no longer provide efficient service