
Cards (14)

  • MOOC
    Massive Open Online Course
  • MOOC
    Content or information available through an online system
  • Wearable technology
    • Worn by a person
    • Easy experience of the device
    • Enhance the user's senses
  • 3D technology
    • Create real-life or different virtual experiences
    • Mimic the physical world
  • Paperless society
    Shift from letters to e-mails, newspapers to news web pages, books to e-books, and so on
    Turning dead things into robots
    • Sand heated up using wind and solar energy
    • Heat can then be distributed by a local energy company to provide warmth to buildings in nearby areas
  • Extended Reality
    Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality to Mixed Reality and everything else in-between
  • Typography
    • The fusion of art and writing
    • The art of arranging text based on typefaces, point size, line length, and spacing
  • Serif
    The 'dash or line' at the end of letters in serif fonts
  • Appropriateness
    • How fitting or suitable the text is used for a specific audience, purpose, or event
    • Tone, style, purpose, clarity should be followed
  • Proximity
    • How near or far are text elements from each other
    • Two things closely related = Bring them closely together
  • Organization
    • The conscious effort to organize the different text elements in a page
    • When there are many elements needed to fit in a page, start by creating a framework or a compartment for the elements
  • Contrast
    • Creates visual interest to text elements
    • Joining large font with small font, serif and sans serif, thin elements with thick elements, and cool color and warm color