other managing stock

Cards (6)

  • Stock
    The Store of Raw Materials, Work-in-Progress or Finished Goods
  • Businesses
    • Try to minimise the level of stock they're holding because of the costs involved
    • The maximum level of stock a business wants to hold usually depends on the size of their warehouses or stockrooms
    • The maximum level of stock a business wants to hold usually depends on opportunity cost
    • The maximum level of stock a business wants to hold usually depends on their production method
  • Production methods
    1. Flow production needs a large stock of raw materials
    2. Batch production leads to large stocks of work-in-progress
    3. Job production often means there is no stock of finished goods to be stored
    4. Cell production usually relies on just-in-time stock control
  • Buffer stock

    The minimum level of stock a business needs so that it won't run out of raw materials or finished goods
  • Lead time is the time it takes for goods to arrive after ordering it from suppliers
  • Stock control diagrams help managers analyse and control stock over time