
Cards (100)

  • Hypocapnia
    Decreased carbon dioxide in the blood or tissues; alkalosis
  • Hypostasis
    The formation of a sediment, especially settling of the blood in the dependent parts of the body
  • Hypostatic
    As a result of or in the nature of hypostasis
  • Hypotonic
    Below normal strength or decreased salt content when compared to normal body fluid
  • Hypoventilate
    To under aerate the alveoli; to put less air into the lungs than the patient needs for adequate oxygenation as a result of a decrease in rate and/or depth of ventilation
  • Hypoxemia
    Insufficient amounts of oxygen in the blood
  • Hypoxia, anemic
    Hypoxia caused by low hemoglobin or too few red cells
  • Hypoxia, demand
    Increased use of oxygen by the cells; caused by high fever or thyroid dysfunction
  • Hypoxia, hystotoxic
    Inability of cells to use oxygen as a result of poisoning of the cell
  • Hypoxia, stagnant (ischemic)

    Hypoxia in the tissue cells that is caused by slow circulation of the blood
  • Idiopathic
    Occurring without known cause
  • Idiosyncrasy
    A mental of physical habit or a peculiar characteristic of an individual's behavior
  • Impairment
    The act of damaging or insulting function
  • Infarct
    An arterial blood clot that occludes a blood vessel, causing a triangular area of tissue being supplied by that artery to die
  • Infection
    Any state of ill state caused by living, growing organisms inside the body
  • Inflammation
    Tissue reaction to injury or infection, usually denoted by redness
  • Inhalant
    Medication given by breathing an aerosol
  • Inherent
    Natural to the organism, a natural part or function of the body
  • Inspiration
    The process of taking air into the lungs
  • Inspiratory capacity (IC)

    Maximum amount of air that can be taken into the lungs on forced inspiration from resting expiration; normally 3500 ml in the adult
  • Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)

    The amount of air that can be breathed in after normal resting inspiration; normally 3100 ml in the adult
  • Inspissated
    Thickened secretions usually caused by poor humidity and/or negative fluid balance
  • Insults
    Any effort, disease, or trauma, that adds to any abnormal condition that the patient may already have
  • Insults
    • Pneumonia insults the respiratory ability of the emphysema patient
  • Intercostal
    Located between the ribs
  • Intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB)
    Pressure on inspiration, followed by a passive exhalation, which usually refers to a short-term breathing treatment; also refers to inspiratory positive pressure breathing
  • Intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV)

    See intermittent positive breathing. Usually refers to continues mechanical ventilation
  • Internal respiration
    Exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the tissues and bloodstream
  • Interstitial
    Situated between important parts. In the lungs it refers to the cellular layer between the epithelial cells that line the pulmonary capillaries
  • Intracellular
    Inside the cell
  • Intrathoracic
    Inside the rib cage or chest wall
  • Intratracheal
    Inside the trachea
  • Intubation
    The process of passing the tube through the mouth or nose into the trachea
  • Inundation
    Overcome, covered as by a wave
  • Ion
    An atom or group of atoms that by suitable application of energy, such as dissociation of a molecule, has lost or gained one or more orbital electrons and has thus become capable of conducting electricity
  • Ionization
    The dissociation or breaking up of a substance or solution into ions
  • Ischemia
    A decrease in blood supply to a localized area as a result of construction of blood vessels
  • Isoproterenol (Isuprel)

    Medication resigned to dilate the bronchial tubes
  • Isotonic
    A solution having the same saline content as that found in intracellular and extracellular fluids
  • Kyphoscoliosis
    Humpback and curvature of the spine to the side and forward