Exchange rates

Cards (6)

  • Main exchange rate systems:
    • Free floating exchange rate
    • Managed floating exchange rate
    • Semi - fixed exchange rate
    • Fully fixed exchange rate
    • Currency board system
  • Free floating exchange rates are set purely by market forces , currency appreciates and depreciates with no intervention by the central bank. Therefore currency value isnt a monetary policy target.
  • Managed floating exchange rates are driven by the market forces, however the central bank may intervene by buying reserves to support a currency and selling to weaken a currency. Currency is a target of domestic monetary policy.
  • Fixed exchange rates occur when the central bank peggs a currency to another stable currency such as the Euro. The central bank has to hold enough reserves to intervene in currency markets when needed to maintain the fixed currency peg.
  • Advantages to a free floating market
    • No central bank intervention means there is no need for high levels of foreign exchange reserves
    • Market forces adjust the exchange rate efficiently
    • Monetary policy can be focused on inflation instead of buying reserves
    • Reduced chance of speculative attacks as currency value is determined by market forces.
  • Disadvantages of floating exchange rates
    • Exchange rate volatility may be harmful for foreign direct investment if confidence is lost.
    • Smaller nations, largely primary sector exporters, may be more vulnerable
    • Can cause inflation, weak currency - imports more expensive, cost push inflation