Covenant and Creation

Cards (16)

  • Genesis Two
    1. God created the first two humans: Adam and Eve
    2. God created Adam first
    3. Adam was made from the dust of the ground that God breathed through his nostrils
    4. Adam was given the responsibility to look after the Garden of Eden
    5. God made Adam fall into a deep sleep, and took a rib one from his side using this to create Eve
    6. Eve was created to be Adam's wife and help Adam with the responsibility that God gave them of looking after the Garden of Eden
  • Fundamentalist View (Literalist)

    • Believe the Bible is the literal and direct word of God
    • Believe the world was created in exactly six days
    • Believe the Bible is factually true
    • Do not accept and reject scientism and scientific theories
    • Believe Genesis was written by Moses who was told what to write by God
    • Believe God told the prophets what to write and who wrote it (divine inspiration)
  • Catholic View (Metaphorical)
    • Believe the Bible is the inspired word of God
    • Believe the Bible is not a factual account
    • Accept scientism and scientific theories
    • Believe the two accounts were written by two different authors
    • Believe the Holy Spirit guided the authors to write God's teachings but the prophets/authors wrote them in their own perspective and style
  • Care for Creation
    • Catholics believe that humans have been given the responsibility to look after the Earth and the creatures on it (stewardship)
    • They believe you should treat animals with kindness and respect as the Earth and the resources are a gift from God
    • We can be good stewards by reducing the ways we affect the environment negatively (e.g. littering)
    • However, care of humans comes first
  • God
    The creator of the universe in Christian belief.
  • Creation
    The creating of the universe, thought of as the work of God
  • Imago Dei
    Image of God
  • Stewardship
    The responsibility of taking care and looking after the Earth and looking after and protecting worth caring for and preserving
  • Genesis
    The first book in the Bible and it also means in the beginning
  • Literalist Interpretation
    Christians who believe the Bible is factually true and is the direct word of God. They also believe that the Bible stories, including the Genesis account, should be taken literally
  • Metaphorical Interpretation
    The metaphorical interpretation that Catholics believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. They also believe the Bible wasn't actually written by God - instead, they believe the Bible was inspired by God's words
  • Covenant
    The conditional promises made between God and humans
  • Divine Inspiration

    The belief that the Bible was inspired by God's words
  • Tree of knowledge of right and wrong
    The tree that Adam and Eve could not eat from
  • What happened in Genesis three?

    God told Adam and Eve they could eat from all the trees except for the tree that had the knowledge of right and wrong.
    Snake asked Eve if God said they cannot eat from any of the trees. Eve explained they could eat from all except the tree in the middle.
    Snake tricked Eve saying if they ate from the special tree they will be like God.
    Eve ate the fruit and gave some to Adam who ate it too.
    They realised they were naked and covered themselves with leaves. Adam and Eve hid from God in a bush. God punished the serpent and Adam and Eve for disobeying him.
  • Genesis One
    In the beginning, there is the heavens and the Earth. There is nothing.. On day 1, God created light and darkness. God says “ Let there be light” and there is light. On day 2, God created the sky. On day 3, God created land and seas, plants and trees. On day 4, God creates the lights of day and night ( the Sun, Moon and stars). On day 5, God creates fish and birds. On day 6, God creates land animals and humans made in his own image (Imago Dei). On day 7, God rested from all the work he had done and sees that it is good.