1. NSAIDs: Inhibit prostaglandin synthesis/activity, reduce amount of bleeding
2. Ibuprofen: Max daily OTC dose is 1200mg, take after food, generally well tolerated but can cause gastric irritation and bronchospasm in asthmatics
3. Aspirin: Also inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, not as effective as ibuprofen, more likely to cause GI upset
4. Paracetamol: Alone or in combination with NSAID or codeine, useful when NSAID contraindicated
5. Hyoscine: Antispasmodic to relieve cramping, no evidence of efficacy, potential anticholinergic side effects
6. Caffeine: Some evidence of additive effect with ibuprofen, OTC products contain 15-65mg, similar effect from caffeine containing drinks
7. Practical measures: Warmth (hot water bottle, warm bath), TENS machine, some evidence for acupuncture, fish-oils, herbal remedies, exercise, supplements