Cluster head is more common in men: episodic headache, which accounts of 90% of cases, is about four times more common and chronic cases fifteen times more common in men than women
Thought to be caused by the abnormal dilation of blood vessels within or around the skull, but this vascular theory doesn't explain all migraine symptoms
Visual or neurological auras, pain is unilateral, throbbing and moderate to severe, nausea affects almost all patients but less than as third will vomit, photophobia and phonophobia
A tight band around the head that spreads to the top of the head, could be due to muscle spasm in the neck and scalp or tension in muscles resulting in constricted capillaries, reducing blood flow
Headaches last from 30 minutes to up to 7 days, pain is bifrontal or bioccipital, generalised and non-throbbing, gradual in onset and tends to worsen progressively throughout the day, mild to moderate pain, not aggravated by movement
Severe, sharp, unilateral pain within and above eye and temporal region, associated with automatic symptoms, occurs once every other day 8 times a day often with circadian rhythm, duration is 15 mins to 3 hours
Headache that occurs at the same time everyday that lasts for 15 days or more per month, pain appears to linger from morning to night and varies from an ache to a dull throb
Type of secondary headache due to analgesic overuse which causes an increase in number of pain receptors that are switched on, first by pain itself then by increased sensitisation of receptors
Try simple analgesic first, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, paracetamol + codeine combination, some have antihistamine for nausea, 5HT1 agonist - sumatriptan