Review 2.1

Cards (151)

  • what are the first line of meds for focal seizures?
    Carbamazepine and Lamotrigine
  • what are the second line of meds for focal seizures?
    Oxcarbazepine, Levetiracetam, and Valporic acid
  • Valporic acid is the first line in what seizures
    generalized tonic-clonic
    tonic and atonic seizures
    idopathic generalized epilepsy
  • what two meds are first line for absence seizures?
    Ethosuximide and valporic acid
  • second line meds for generalized tonic-clonic seizures
    Lamotirgine, Carbmazepine, and Oxcarbazepine
  • second line for absence and tonic/atonic seizures
  • second line for myoclonic seizures
    Levetiracetam and Topiramate
  • second line of meds for idiopathic generalized epilepsy
    Lamotrigine and topiramate
  • what seizure meds cause hyperplasia of gums?
    Carbamazepine and Phenytoin
  • functions of PNS
    decrease HR, increase gastric secretions, emptying bladder and bowel, focus eye for near vision, constrict pupil, contract bronchial smooth muscle
  • function of CNS
    regulation of body temp (dilate blood flow to surface, secretion of sweat, and piloerction)
    fight or flight
  • what is a neurotransmitter of the PNS
  • what are the receptor of acetylcholine?
    Cholinergic: Nicotinic N, Nicotinic M, and Muscarnic
  • what are andrenic neurotransmitters and their receptors?
    Epi and Norepi
    receptors: Alpha1 1, alpha 2, beta 1, beta 2, and dopamine
  • what is the function of nicotinic receptors?

    promotes neurotransmission of all ganglia of SNS and PNS
    promotes ep from adrenal medulla
  • what is the function of Muscarnic receptors
    increase glandular secretions (pulmonary, gastric, intestinal, and sweat)
    contraction of smooth bronchi and GI
    decrease HR
    contraction of sphincter muscle of iris (miosis) and ciliary muscle of eye (near vision)
    dilation of BV
    voiding of bladder
  • what is alpha 1 function
    vasoconstriction, ejaculation, and contraction of bladder and prostate
  • alpha 2 function
    not much clinical significance in the PNS
    CNS: reduces sympathetic outflow to heart and BV, relief of pain
  • beta 1 functions in the heart
    increases HR, force of contraction, and velocity of conduction in AV node
  • beta 1 functions in the kidney
    releases renin
  • beta 2 function
    bronchial dilation
    relax of uterine muscle - delays labor
  • dopamine function
    dilates renal blood vessels
  • what receptors can epi activate?
    all alpha and beta
  • what receptors can norepi activate?
    all alpha receptors and beta 1
  • what receptors can dopamine activate?
    alpha 1, beta 1, and dopamine
  • when you activate muscarinic or cholinergic agonist you get what?
    SLUDGE (Salivation, lacrimination, urination, diarrhea, GI, emesis)
  • when you block a muscarinic with an anticholinergic or antimucarinic you get

    cant pee, see, spit, or shit
  • drugs that are cholinergic or muscarinic agonist
    Bethanechol, Cevimeline, Pilocarpine, Acetylcholine
  • Bethanchol is given for what and do not give to what pt with this disease

    use: urinary retention, GI uses, Gi reflux
    do not give to hyperthyroidism and PUD pts
  • what do you treat muscarnic poisoning with? think SLUDGE
  • Cevimeline treats what 

    SJS - helps turn on salivary glands
  • Pilocarpine treats what
    SJS and topical therapy for glaucoma
  • acetylcholine is used for what after cataract surgery?
    pupil constriction
  • meds that are muscarinic antagonist or anticholinergic and function
    atropine, Oxybutynin, Darifenacin, Solifenacin, Tolterodine, Fesoterodine, Tropisum
    function: cant see, shit, pee, or spit
  • Atropine uses
    preanesthetic, eye disorders, bradycardia, intestinal hypermotility, asthma (can worsen in high doses)
  • oxybutynin used to treat overactive bladder but can cause what in older adults and peds?
    hallucinations and agitation
  • Darifenacin has the greatest selectivity what muscarnic receptor for OAB?
    M3 selectivity
    has not effect of M1 in the brain or M2 in the heart
  • All anticholinergic or antimuscarnic cause what ECG problems
    prolonged QT
  • what 3 meds are nonselective M receptors?
    Tolterodine, Fesoteroidine, and Trospium
  • What meds are better for elderly for OAB?
    Beta 3 adrenoreceptor agonist - do not effect muscarninic receptors
    mirabegron and Vibegron