Forms of government

Cards (19)

  • Autocracy
    • One person has absolute power
    • Make choices based off their own ideas
  • Dictatorship:
    • One person/small group has absolute power
    • Repress opposition
  • Oligarchy
    • Small group of people running a country who are distinguished by money, fame, etc.
    • One make decisions for their own benefit
  • Democracy:
    • State power is given to general population of a state
    • Have elections and voting systems
  • Parliamentary democracy:
    • Voters elect members of parliament
    • People vote for individuals from a party to have a say
  • Monarchy:
    •  A monarch is the head of state (king/queen)
    • Authority is vested in them
  • Constitutional monarchy:
    • Monarchy shares power with constitutionally organized government
    • Elected person can makes decision
    • Citizens vote, but still show loyalty to the monarch
  • Republic
    • Power is held by people and elected representatives
    • Ruled according to charter of constitution
  • Communism
    • Everything is shared by a community
    • Everyone contributes equally
  • Autocracy
    • Pros: simplifies communication, quick decision making
    • Cons: people's ideas are not heard
  • Dictatorship
    • Pros: quick decision making, no disruption of peace
    • Cons: people don’t have human rights, often use violence
  • Oligarchy
    • Pros: quick decision making, less citizen responsibility
    • Cons: creates divisions, rulers only make decisions for their own benefit
  • Democracy
    • Pros: decreases disputes with other nations, everybody has a say
    • Cons: takes a lot of time to make decisions
  • Parliamentary Democracy
    • Pros: Continuity in government, people have a say
    • Cons: takes a long time 
  • Monarchy
    • Pros: stability and continuity
    • Cons: gender inequality
  • Constitutional monarchy
    • Pros: stability and continuity
    • Cons: monarchy holds no power
  • Republic
    • Pros: laws are fair, protects individual rights
    • Cons: expensive, doesn’t work much in big groups
  • Communism
    • Pros: equality, every citizen has a job
    • Cons: no freedom of speech, consumer needs are not taken into account
  • Democracy -- “The rule of the people,” because demos means “people,” and kratos means “rule.”