
Cards (16)

  • Pregnancy
    The period from conception to birth, when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
  • Normal duration of human pregnancy
    265 days from conception to birth
  • Pregnancy calculation
    280 days (40 weeks) from the first day of the last menstrual period
  • Trimesters
    The pregnancy is broken down into three 3-month periods
  • Embryo
    The developing organism from the time of conception until the end of the eighth week, after which it is known as a fetus
  • Fertilisation
    Sperm fertilises ovum to form zygote
  • Zygote
    The diploid cell resulting from the fusion of a sperm and an egg
  • Cleavage
    Cell divisions
  • Blastocyst
    A hollow ball of cells formed about 5 days after fertilisation, consisting of an outer cell layer that will form the placenta and an inner cell mass that will form the embryo
  • Embryonic membranes

    • Amnion
    • Yolk sac
    • Allantois
    • Chorion
  • Primary germ layers
    • Endoderm (inner)
    • Mesoderm (middle)
    • Ectoderm (outer)
  • Structures derived from primary germ layers
    • Ectoderm: Skin, hair, nervous tissue, lining of respiratory & digestive systems
    • Mesoderm: Skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary & reproductive systems
    • Endoderm: Pancreas, liver, bladder, thymus & thyroid gland
  • Placenta
    Develops from the trophoblast, facilitates exchange of nutrients, waste and gases between mother and fetus
  • Stages of embryonic development
    • Weeks 1-3: Pre-embryonic stage
    • Weeks 4-8: Embryonic stage
    • Weeks 9-birth: Fetal stage
  • Key events in embryonic development
    • Week 1: Fertilisation, formation of zygote, morula, blastocyst
    • Week 2: Bilaminar germ disc forms, amniotic cavity & yolk sac appear, implantation completed, trophoblast starts to develop
    • Week 3: Trilaminar germ disc forms, primitive groove & notochord appear, blood & vascular system start to develop
    • Week 4: Embryo 1.5-3.5 mm, neural groove forms, 4-12 somites visible, many major organs begin to develop
    • Week 5: Recognisable as embryo with head, face, tail & limb buds, 2.5-7 mm long, >30 somites, sense organs start to develop
    • Week 6: Umbilical cord starts to form, gut & liver start to develop, cartilaginous skeleton begins
    • Week 7-8: Embryo recognisably human, head rounded, eyes conspicuous, hands & feet develop, trunk straightens, tail disappears, ossification of skeleton begins
  • Key events in fetal development
    • Weeks 9-12: Foetus doubles in length, fingernails, toes and hair develop
    • Weeks 12-16: Foetus grows rapidly to 18 cm long and 100 g, fingerprints appear, movements detected
    • Weeks 16-20: Foetus 25 cm long and 330 g, movements felt by mother
    • Weeks 20-24: Foetus 27-35 cm long and 565-680 g
    • Weeks 24-28: Foetus over 1000 g and 38 cm long, moves vigorously
    • Weeks 28-32: Foetus 41-45 cm long and 1800-2200 g
    • Weeks 32-36: Foetus ~50 cm long and 2500-4500 g, reduced activity
    • Week 40: Foetus at term, head smaller in proportion to body