Education passes on norms and values to integrate individuals into society
Strengthens socialsolidarity = transfer societies norms and values to next generation > creates socialorder based on cohesion
Teaching specialist skills = individuals with specialist skills use them in complexdivisionoflabour where people co-operate
Criticisms of Durkheim
Marxists = education system teaches to serve ruling class rather than society > transmits dominantculture
Willis = transmission of norms and values maybe rejected
Through socialisation, education bridges between family and widersociety > family = children judged based on particularist standards, widersociety = individual judged based on standardsapplied to everyone, education = selects children into appropriate roles because it's meritocratic
Education socialises young people with basicvalues of society, school transmits:achievement = achieve status through effort, equality = every student achieves
Criticisms of Parsons
Wrong = over socialised view > assumes people are puppets and never reject school values
Marxists = hiddencurriculum prepares students for exploitation > transmits values of capitalism
Post-modernists = fragmented nature of society means socialisation by various agents
Davis and Moore
Principles of stratification = education sorts people (according to ability) into different positions
Talent = high achievement > functionally important jobs > unequal rewards so people aim high
Desirable in capitalist society > limited talent > persuaded to stay in education > society offers incentives (high salaries)
Criticisms of Davis and Moore
Intelligence and ability = limited influence on educational achievement > tied to class, gender and ethnicity > not everyone has equal chance
Bowles and Gintis = capitalist societies are not meritocratic, those denied success blame themselves rather than the system so wealthy obtain successful jobs
Feminists = gender pay gap, feminine professions paid less
Social rewards allocated by talent rather than position someone was born in
Example, Education the East End
Some children reject norms and values
Misbehave die to family problems, mess around to distract
Teachers get exhauster
Overall strengths of functionalist
Acknowledges role of education in secondary socialisation
Recognises importance of structured workforce in modern economy need to be allocated efficiently in those roles
Overall of functionalist
Marxists = small chance on equality for opportunity > education system serves to confirm people in social classes > values of school = interest of ruling class
NR = system doesn't prepare people for work > discourages efficiency/competition