Evolution and climate

Cards (19)

  • Geologic time scale refers to the chronological sequence of geological events over billions of years.
  • Chambered Shell

    • Siphuncle to control buoyancy
  • Cephalopods have a chambered shell with a siphuncle to control buoyancy
  • Nautiloids have a smooth shelled chambered shell
  • Goniatites are a type of cephalopod
  • Ceratites have mostly smooth shelled chambered shells, with some increment
  • Ammonites have a variety of ornament on their chambered shells
  • Burgess Shale
    A geological formation in Canada, known for exceptional preservation of Cambrian period fossils, including soft-bodied organisms.
  • Cambrian period
    A time of rapid evolutionary diversification, occurring 541-485 million years ago.
  • Soft-bodied organisms
    Fossils of animals without shells or skeletons, often preserved in the Burgess Shale, that were previously unknown to science.
  • Benthonic: Organism lives on or in the sediment substrate of the sea floor
  • Pelagic: Organism living freely suspended in water column
  • Planktonic: Pelagic organism unable to swim against currents, carried passively by ocean currents
  • Sessile: (of an organism, e.g. a barnacle) fixed in one place; immobile
  • Index Fossil: A fossil species used as a marker to define a biozone
  • Vagrant: Organism that moves around on the sea floor
  • Infaunal: Organism that lives in the sediment
  • Epifaunal: lives on the sediment
  • Nektonic: actively swims in the water column