Global distribution of resouces

Cards (5)

  • A resource is just something that we use - food, water and energy
  • Resources, such as food, water and energy, are needed for basic human development
  • Access to these 3 resources affects the economic and social well being of people and countries
  • Food
    • When people can't access enough safe, nutritious food, they cant eat the right balance of nutrients. This can cause malnourishment
    • Malnourishment can limit children's development (eg by causing iron deficiency) - it will also increase the risk of getting ill
  • Water
    • people need clean, safe water for drinking, cooking and washing
    • without proper sanitation, water sources get polluted by raw sewage
    • water-borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid kill many people each year
    • water is needed to produce food, clothes and, any other products so it has a big impact on peoples lifestyles