Cards (11)

  • Copernicus, Galileo: Sun at centre of universe, not earth
    >> Church: contradicts Bible + questions Church’s authority
    - Censured writing challenging trad Bible interpretation in Prot Ref
  • Swinburne: patterns in universe point to God’s existence
  • Polkinghorne, Tennant: fine-tuning + anthropic principle evidence of design
  • give a criticism of this view:
    Swinburne: patterns in universe point to God’s existence
    Dawkins: meaningless to ask why patterns exist: evolut - no purpose/creator
  • William James: RE still valid even though can’t be proven empirically
  • Polkinghorne: relig knowledge complementary to empirical scientific knowledge – diff insights
  • Polkinghorne: science also relies on leaps of faith - arg that universe brute fact + arg that God is creator both assumed
  • give a criticism of this arg:
    Polkinghorne: science also relies on leaps of faith - arg that universe brute fact + arg that God is creator both assumed
    Ockham's razor
  • Robert Boyle, John Ray: scientific work brings closer to God
  • Newton: relig in harmony with reason - can critically examine Christianity
  • synoptic strength of scientific arg against relig (philosophy)
    Ayer, Flew: relig lang unverifiable/unfalsifiable => meaningless