The presence of iridium is found all over the world in sedimentary rocks - these rocks are 66 million years old. This iridium boundary comes from an extra terrestrial impact at the end of the cretaceous.
Tektites are small natural glass spherules and are formed due to the impact of a meteorite. They do not travel far from impact sites.
The possible location of the crater is on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico.
Shockedquartz is found in a layer after the cretaceous, due to the impact of meteorites. Under high pressures the structure of quartz is deformed along planes, these are called planardeformation features.
There was a very thin layer of soot from wildfires that could have been triggered by an impact.
A large tsunami deposited sea sediments on land at Mexico.
The meteorite contained gypsum and hit an area of shallow sea. Lots od sulphur was sent into the atmosphere on impact which blocked sunlight causing a rapid drop in temperature of 25ºc for 15 years. This disrupts food chains because plants could not photosynthesise.
Sulphur in the atmosphere caused acid rain, acidifying oceans and damaging plants. Marine organisms with calcite shells may have been dissolved.
The deccan traps erupted at the end of the cretaceous for 30,000 years causing a drop in temp for a short while and a long term temp rise. Each lava flow shows a slightly different inclination showing the rapid movement of India over a mantle plume.
Fossil record of dinosaurs is hard to interpret, looking at ammonites is more helpful. A global fall in sea levels caused a decrease in marine organism numbers.
The K-Pg boundary contains lots of fern spores. Ferns grow best without competition after extinctions. Suggesting a global lack of light.
There are theories that the short term impacts caused the mass extinctions and global warming from volcanic activity helped stabilise temps.