4B Christianity
C3: practices expressing relig identity
C3.2 creative expressions
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Cards (21)
3 artistic representations of the cross
figure of Jesus - Jesus' suffering
Christus Rex cross - triumph, resurrection, return to glory w God
cross with no image - resurrection, no longer dead
why might a cross with no image on it be used in Protestant churches?
represents that Jesus is no longer dead
Calvin: focus on spiritual themes not worship of idols
: Puritan reformer who destroyed images in churches
criticism of arg that images of God means worship of idols (Exodus)
Catechism of Catholic Church: images are venerated, not worshiped, inspiring faith
veneration of images is important in
Christian practice as God guides the artist's creativity - icons are a glimpse into the divine
arg against elaborate choir music
excludes others from worship, reducing role to passive audience
Quaker arg against elaborate music
detracts from worship, should be simple recognition of God
Calvin arg against elaborate music
can be vainglorious, praising musicians instead of God
Catholic arg against modern music
only some styles have quality + dignity to be worthy of use to worship God
arg for use of modern music in worship
attracts younger ppl to worship, represents own lives better
arg for use of monastic plainchants in worship
meditative, simple repeated phrases; create calm + focus mind on God
quote attributed to Beethoven about importance of music in worship: "
the vibrations of the air are the breath of God speaking to man's soul
Bible quote to support music in worship: "
sing praise to him" (Psalm 105
: worship should be silent to concentrate on God + encourage meditation
worship (
CofE, Catholic
): structure, formal
worship (
): some structure but informal
worship (Pentecostalism, Charismatic Christianity): no structure, led by HS
3 ways depictions of the nativity express belief in Jesus' divinity
adoration of angels, shepherds, magi
gold, frankincense, myrrh: king whose death (myrrh) will save us
Magi = Gentiles; Jesus' message for all
3 implications of depiction of the nativity emphasising Jesus' poverty
ordinary human
no value in human riches/power
Jesus for the poor + weak (LT)
Francis of Assisi on artistic depictions of the Nativity
help ppl, esp uneducated, gain fuller understanding of mystery of incarnation + deepen devotion to Jesus
argument for no images of God
: do not worship idols