Classifying plants

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  • For historical reasons, plant biologists talk about divisions instead of phyla - apart from that the system is exactly the same as animals
  • Moss division (Bryophytes); no proper roots, very simple stem, and very simple leaves
  • Vascular plant division; true roots, true stem with transport system, and leaves with veins
  • Vascular plant division 1
    • Pterophytes: the fern class - wing-like leaves, reproduce with spores, young leaves rolled into “fiddleheads” not buds
  • Vascular plant division 2:
    • Gymnosperms: The conifer class - needle shaped leaves, and seeds formed in cones
    • Angiosperms: The flowering plant class - broad leaves, seeds formed in flowers, and split into two orders
    • Monocotyledons - parallel veined leaves (like grass), seed with 1 grain, and 1 embryonic leaf
    • Dicotyledons - branching veined leaves, seed with 2 grains, and 2 embryonic leaves