
Cards (4)

  • The organic analogy
    • Functionalists believe that society is like the human body; made up of different parts that function together to meet its needs and maintain it
    • (e.g. the education system, the government, religion etc.)
  • Murdock
    the nuclear family performs four essential functions:
    • socialisation of the young
    • satisfaction of economic needs
    • reproduction of the next generation
    • stable satisfaction of the sex drive
  • Parsons
    the functions that the family perform depend on the type of society in which they are found
    • pre-industrial society - extended family; had the function of production and consumption
    • modern society - nuclear family; have the function of social and geographical mobility
  • the nuclear family has two main functions
    • primary socialisation of the young: equipping the next generation with basic skills and society's values
    • stabilisation of adult personalities: enabling adults to relax so they can return to the workplace and perform their roles effectively (Parsons)