
Cards (4)

  • Liberal Feminists
    • liberal feminists take a march of progress view
    • gender inequality is gradually being overcome through reform and policy change
    • this changes people's attitudes towards socialisation and challenges stereotypes
    • (e.g. the new man is becoming more widespread)
  • Marxist Feminists

    capitalism is the main form of women's oppression in the family and this performs several functions for capitalism:
    • reproducing the labour force - women socialise the next generation of workers
    • absorbing men's anger - wives soak up their husband's frustration from being exploited at work
    • reserve army of cheap labour - when not needed, women workers can return to their domestic role
  • Radical feminists
    • the family and marriage are the key institutions in a patriarchal society, meaning that men benefit from women's unpaid domestic labour and sexual services
    • the patriarchal system needs to be overturned through separatism: women must organise themselves to live independently to men
  • Difference Feminists
    • not all women share the same experience of oppression
    • (e.g. women of different ethnicities, class, age etc. may have different experiences of the family