Nature - characteristics and behaviour are innate, they have a genetic/biological basis.
Nurture - character and behaviour are due to environmental influences, we are blankslates at birth.
Innate - something you are born with.
Nature vs Nurture AO3 - Lerner - it makes little sense to try to separate the two as they are so closely intertwined.
Nature vs Nurture AO3 - Twin studies - it is difficult to conclude whether concordance rates are the result of shared genetics or environment.
Nature vs Nurture AO3 - the interactionist approach considers the combined effects of biological, psychological and social factors on the development of behaviour.
Nature vs Nurture AO3 - Epigenetics - a lifelong process that is caused by interaction with our environments. The change in our genetic activity without changing genetic code.
Nature vs Nurture AO3 - Epigenetics - aspects of our lifestyles leave epigenetic marks on our DNA that tell our bodies what genes to ignore.