The ways that users engage with each other and other pieces of content on social media, such as likes, reactions, shares, retweets, comments, replies, mentions, tags, follows, and unfollows
Intelligence produced from publicly available sources that is collected, exploited, and disseminated in a timely manner to an appropriate audience for the purpose of addressing a specific intelligence requirement
Today's behavior to voluntarily share personal information is in stark contrast to the reactions in the face of the 1983 German census where plans to survey some personal data were met with mass protest
An addition to the Duden is only done after a selection process where the candidate word has to prove that it is used regularly over a longer period of time in different contexts
Experienced investigators may produce elaborated results beneficial to a broad number of different subjects, but also untrained people are able to derive certain information
Converts information into intelligence, including the integration, evaluation, and analysis of the gained information to produce a result meeting the requirements
Produced by processing the collected data, including translation, decryption, or format conversion, filtering, correlating, classifying, clustering, and interpreting the given data