Cards (16)

  • 4 marks of the Church: unity, holiness, catholicity, apostolicity
  • What does catholicity mean in the 4 marks of the Church?
    universal, for all ppl
  • Catholic interpretation of unity in Church
    full unity only when all Christians follow Pope + Magisterium
  • Protestant interpretation of unity in Church
    unity of shared belief in Jesus, not organisational structure
  • Catholic interpretation of holiness of Church
    Church reflects Jesus' holiness but made of individual sinners
  • Protestant interpretation of holiness of Church
    ppl share in Church's holiness by God's grace
  • Cyprian of Carthage view of the Church
    • unity only under bishops' auth who have gifts of HS
    • holy "spouse of Christ", Jesus set up + gave auth to bishops
  • Cyprian of Carthage view of the Church

    • unity only under bishops' auth who have gifts of HS
    • holy "spouse of Christ" Jesus set up + gave auth to bishops
  • Cyprian of Carthage: the Church is "uncorrupted and pure", the "spouse of Christ"
  • Cyprian of Carthage quote about importance of trad + auth: "the Bishop is in the Church and the Church in the Bishop", subject to bishop = subject to God
  • Bible quote abt Church unity: "just as each of us has one body with many members, [...] so in Christ we, though many, form one body" (Romans)
  • Bible quote for importance of bishops: "Peter, and on this rock I will build my church [...] I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew)
  • Luther view of Church
    • "priesthood of all believers", don't need priest mediator
    • "sola scriptura", Bible only auth
    • visible church = building, invisible = body of Christ
  • Luther's 4 criticisms of RC view of Church (@Cyprian of Carth.)
    1. no priest mediator, "priesthood of all believers" access God
    2. "sola scriptura", no trads not in Bible
    3. sale of indulgences is corrupt, only God can forgive us
    4. salvation "sola fide" not by works
  • develop Luther's critique of RC Pope + Magisterium:
    no priest mediator; "priesthood of all believers" access God
    Christ alone is head of Church; papal auth not biblical
  • Luther's 4 criticisms of RC view of Church (@Cyprian of Carth.)
    1. no priest mediator, "priesthood of all believers" access God
    2. "sola scriptura", no trads not in Bible
    3. sale of indulgences is corrupt, only God can forgive us
    4. salvation "sola fide" not by works