Able to grow in a variety of conditions: aerobically & anaerobically, in the presence of a high concentration of salt, temperatures ranging from (18°c -40°c)
A strain of Staphylococcus aureus that acquired resistance to methicillin and other beta lactam antibiotics (e.g., penicillins and cephalosporins) via genes (eg, mecA, mecC)
Hospital (Nosocomial) acquired MRSA: MRSA acquired after 48hrs stay in hospital with no previous documentation of a positive MRSA culture, Risk factors: extensive antibiotic therapy, admission in ICU, central venous catheter, long duration hospital stay, Toxin production: rare, Presentation: bacteremia, pneumonia, Highly drug resistant
Community acquired MRSA: MRSA acquired in the community, Toxin production: common, Presentation: asymptomatic colonization, SSTI, bacteremia, pneumonia, Less drug resistant
It is part of normal flora (skin, MM), It is true opportunistic pathogen, Accounting for approximately 60-70% of all coagulase-negative Staphylococci on the skin
Virulence Factors: Exopolysaccharide (Slime or biofilm), Exotoxins: Delta toxin
It is part of normal vaginal flora, Predominantly implicated in genitourinary tract infection (sexually active young female), 2nd most common cause of UTI, after E.coli in young women, It also causes soft tissue infection
Coagulase & phosphatase: negative, Lipase & urease: positive, Resistant to the antibiotic Novobiocin (differentiates it from Staph.epidermidids)
Smears (Direct film): Gram positive cocci arranged in clusters
Culture: Specimens planted on blood agar plates give rise to typical colonies in 18 hours at 37 °C, Media used: Blood agar, chocolate agar, MacConkey agar, Mannitol salt agar, Glucose broth, brain-heart infusion broth
On blood agar: Staph.aureus - golden colonies usually seen & frequently surrounded by clear zone of B- hemolysis, Staph.epidermidis - white - creamy colonies, No hemolysis, Staph.saprophyticus - White-yellow colonies, No hemolysis
On mannitol salt agar: Staph.aureus - produces yellow colonies with yellow zones surrounding (ferment mannitol), Other staph - produces small pink / red colonies and they do not change the color of the medium (non-mannitol fermenter)
On nutrient agar: Staph.aureus - circular, smooth, shiny surface & are pigmented (golden-yellow)